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The main persons here

Dmitry Pavlov

Head of KATYUSHA agency for international and domestic tourism 

“Vladivostok is a unique city, and Primorsky region is no less unique. The Russians come here for Asian exoticism and our Asian guests want to get into a piece of Europe.

To say the least half of the world is drawn in Vladivostok and Primorsky region. There are Norwegian fjords and white beaches, sea, hills, daylight-flooded plains, cold mountain rivers, wild forests and sea again. The Bikin River (called the Russian Amazon), flows here. The Amur tiger and the Far-Eastern leopards surf the forests. 

Primorsky region is a part of primary nature, for the sake of which tourists from all over the world go to the south of Pacific Russia”.

Victoria Ziborova

General Director of «KATYUSHA» agency for international and domestic tourism 

«KATYUSHA» was founded in 2016. Despite the young age, its team consists of the specialists with high experience in South-East Asia and, most importantly, with love to our common goal. We think over and calculate even the most complex organization requests professionally and quickly!

All our partners charge us over their clients being sure that we will take care of all their needs from meeting them to seeing off.

7 days a week, without holidays and weekends - we work for you!

We know how to organize and earn with the cross-use for ourselves and our partners! We are glad to meet new people and are ready to cooperate!”

Guide along the routes

Timofeeva Alina

In love with Chinese
Traded Harbin for Vladivostok
Stress-resistant and positive

Trofimchenko Vladimir Vladimirovich

USSR champion in extreme tourism

Kozko Vitaliy Anatolievich

Esaul of the Ussuri Cossack army
Vladivostok symbol

Zibrov Viktor

Studied in Beijing
Pros in diplomatic protocol

Help to solve any issue

Lydia Chernyavskaya

Force Majeure Tamer

Marina Ageeva

Goddess of sales

Our Honors


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